Thursday, April 30, 2009

Orillia Park Photos

So i was at the Orillia skate park last night busting some tricks out and i got some photos outta it. Not too many but some ok ones I'm using for my photo class.

pop shuv off edge

ollie set

ollie over rail and landed a good distance toward the end of the bank

Monday, April 27, 2009

Send me videos!!

So once again i've had a while since i've posted a video and id like to say if you would like to get some footage of yourself on here id love to see what you've got and preferably if you lived around newmarket, bolsover, barry, orillia, lindsay, fenelon falls or somewhere close to those i could meet you and see if you wanna get footage on this blog. my goal is to actually start a lil skate team for scorpskate but i dunno many skaters around here that have done any really good footage for here yet but if you got some let me see it. email me at and if you send me junk ill just label you as junk mail so be serious. anyway here's some footage i've gotten since last i posted:

Monday, April 13, 2009

graffiti and skating easter 09

So it's been well over a week since I've posted something and i havent gotten much skate footage but now that the snows completely dried up- well pretty much -i'll be getting some more footage other than just in my driveway. but until i do here's some graffiti and skating I've done today once again, in my driveway (its mostly graffiti but there's two tricks at the start)(if you dont wanna watch the graffiti part... then just dont lol)...