Showing posts with label pipe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pipe. Show all posts

Friday, July 31, 2009

Skating Montage from Camp Halfpipe and Aylmer Skatepark

So I've been getting footage here and there from the halfpipe at MBC (camp my dad directs) and from a trip to Aylmer, ON i made the past weekend. Here`s the footage I`ve come up with:

Thursday, June 25, 2009


So my computer is still down and wont be up for a long time i thinking. Lucky for me and anyone who cares for this blog I've gotten ahold of a laptop and been putting some stuff together using it. There's so far been two major videos I'd say. The first one was just what happens when a quarter pipe is old and crappy. It's just inevitable. Haha... Then of course me and another Scorp Skater Alex Degeus who is now a part of our upstarting team type thing had to do some halfpipe skating on Go Skateboard Day. Ha. Here they are:

Friday, May 15, 2009

New Video Soon... Well... not really... sorta...

Hey so I'm currently gathering footage and will be putting a new video together soon enuff... could take awhile actually but it'll be 3 or 4 minutes this one but till then enjoy some extra footage from a mini pipe sesh followed by a small line and manson blaring thru the skating: