Showing posts with label skateboarding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label skateboarding. Show all posts

Thursday, June 25, 2009


So my computer is still down and wont be up for a long time i thinking. Lucky for me and anyone who cares for this blog I've gotten ahold of a laptop and been putting some stuff together using it. There's so far been two major videos I'd say. The first one was just what happens when a quarter pipe is old and crappy. It's just inevitable. Haha... Then of course me and another Scorp Skater Alex Degeus who is now a part of our upstarting team type thing had to do some halfpipe skating on Go Skateboard Day. Ha. Here they are:

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Newmarket, Bradford, and Alex's

So what happens when I take a trip to my friend Alex's in Newmarket? The start of a 2 man band for one thing. Band name END. Everything Now Dies. And then there's the random trip into newmarket to street skate. Then the half hour walk or so to Bradford and halfway thru filming at the first place our camera dies and we're left to just taking quick shots in the little time the camera stays open. But i thought we got some sweet shots. Check em out then the video:

a half hour ride to bradford leads to random shot of me and alex looking a lil dumb... wutever...

and a big ollie from alex...

once the camera died we resorted to taking pictures in the few seconds the shutter would stay open before dying and closing again.... wasnt too successful but it did lead to this nice crooks 180 thinger out,

and Alex didnt get the newmarket 4 set kickflip but nailed this steezy kickflip down a Bradford 4 set the next day.


Video of Al's ramps, Newmarket, and Bradford:

Monday, April 13, 2009

graffiti and skating easter 09

So it's been well over a week since I've posted something and i havent gotten much skate footage but now that the snows completely dried up- well pretty much -i'll be getting some more footage other than just in my driveway. but until i do here's some graffiti and skating I've done today once again, in my driveway (its mostly graffiti but there's two tricks at the start)(if you dont wanna watch the graffiti part... then just dont lol)...

Monday, March 30, 2009

My New Skate Blog WELCOME

HEY to those who know me from my piczo site thanks for dropping in on my new blog site. I'll be doing a lot more specific skate stuff from now on but I'm sure you'll find some random-ass stuff here and there. Haahaha. But ya I've got some new decent footage I'll probably be uploading to here right after I finish publishing this post and if its not on here then you were so unlucky to fall upon my site seconds after this is posted and yet before this footage is on. THAT SUX. haha to you. But to those who didnt fall upon this unfortunate string of event enjoy the footage and enjoy the new blog site thinger. Ok turns out I can just add a video straight into this post so ya.. nevermind the whole unlucky timing thing cuz it wont happen. haha ok well here's some of my latest footage just in my driveway, sorry its all like seperate and crappy quality (at least it is when i play it on my computer):